Saturday, May 2, 2009

Time goes by......

So, post Roatan and the family flying back to Florida, I have stayed as busy as ever. I am now teaching 4th grade instead of helping Golden out with second. There are only 13 kids in my class, which makes it a lot easier than trying to teach 23 monkey second graders. Although, the fourth graders are kinda crazy too. But in a I can't help but laugh sort of way! And there have also been a lot of people who have come to visit lately. A group of girls from Puerto Cortes came a few Sundays back and we had church and a small cookout with them. And this really sweet lady, Caroline, from Mississippi has recently moved in at the Salt and Light Clinic and is going to stay for the next three months or so. I also met a girl who works with ywam, and it was totally interesting to talk to her and to see what her job entails. And then, yesterday, the girls and I finally climbed the mountain that has been taunting me for the past five months! It was so amazingly, exciting! Woo Woo! Machetes in hand we trekked up the side of that beast in no time! Just now as i was sitting here typing this, an iguana showed up on our front step. Leah and I are about to go for a walk on this "just another beautiful Saturday in Honduras."


Anonymous said...

Great photos Honey! The machete one is are you coming home with one of those things?

Cheryl said...

Hey girl! Great photos! I know some who would love for you to bring some machetes home... maybe you shouldn't... and just how strong was that tower you were climbing on? But there's always a strong tower holding you, isn't there?!

Anonymous said...

hey heath,
like your photos and the update.
Buster and I are missin ya... when ya coming home?
love ya big time...
yur Pa ( alias "the Geezer")

Annabell said...

great pictures!! lovin' what's going on with you guys! in constant prayers!

ann [= said...

Ciao from Italy